• March 26, 2025
5e point buy

5e Point Buy How to Use it?

The 5e point buy system is a homebrew design, based on the standard array and point-buy. If you would like to know how it works in detail, please look at the references. So I’ll be talking about how to use it, instead of the mechanics. So, what sort of things should we consider for this rule set? First off; what should we not consider? Let’s go over that first:

I knows what you might be thinking: “But wait! What about ability scores?” That’s important to consider as well. There are two things we want to avoid here: First off; we don’t want anyone’s ability score being useless (I think this is pretty self-explanatory, but I’ll touch on it another time), and we don’t want anyone score being able to do everything… So a good rule of thumb here is: -No ability score should ever have more than 7+ half your character’s level rounded up.

  • If you have strength higher than 16 + half your level, put the rest in the constitution.
  • If you have wisdom higher than 16 + half your level, put the rest in intelligence.
  • If you have an intelligence higher than 16 + half your level, but the rest in wisdom.
  • If you have a charisma higher than 16 + half your level, but the rest into strength.

 What this does is allow us to make sure that your ability scores are generally even towards the whole of the game, and it prevents really high abilities from being able to do everything.

– Step 1: Find your desired Average Ability Score

In order to use this method effectively, you need to know what your desired ability score is. This means that you have already rolled 4d6 and discarded the lowest value as per normal point buy rules. The reason for this is that we don’t want an unusually low score messing up our high stats! Remember that this guide will be creating a very powerful character, but remember not everyone wants that. It is advised that you use this for purely aesthetic purposes.

– Step 2: Calculate Average Ability Score

Here’s the part where we calculate our average ability score for every stat, which will be used to determine point buy. To do this, simply add up all of your six stats and divide by 6 to get your average score. This total becomes the value in parenthesis e.g. (14). So if your character had a Dexterity of 17, an Intelligence of 16, a Constitution of 13, a Wisdom of 15, a Charisma of 14 and a Strength of 12 then it would work out as follows:                      17+16+13+15+14+12 = 10(1)+10(2)+10(3)+10(4)+10(5)+10(6) = 545/6 = 88.3

– Step 3: Determine Class Stat Requirement

In order to determine what ability scores a class requires, you need only to use a simple formula. Take the requirement for a score and divide it by 2 e.g.  Strong willed would be a 10 charisma score divided by 2 is 5. So if the stat requirement was 14 then your base stat point buy would be (x=14). Some notable examples of this are as follows:

  • Strength: 13 
  • Dexterity : 14 or 15                 
  • Constitution : 13
  • Intelligence : 10 or 12  
  • Wisdom : 13   Charisma : 14 or 15

Step 4: Determine Stat Adjustment (Optional)

At this point we will need to determine the stat bonus given by our character’s race and class. If you do not wish to go through each race then simply use this formula:    (A x .15) + B = R where A is your races base stat modifier and B is the score itself e.g if you had a dragon born with a str of 17, Int of 16, Con of 12, Wis of 14 and Cha of 13 then it would work out as follows:                                                  

  • (1 x .15) + 17 = 2.05                                
  • (2 x .15) + 16 = 2.4                                
  • (3 x .15) + 12 = 1.8                                
  • (4 x .15) + 14 = 2.1                                 
  • (5 x .15) + 13 = 1.95                           
  • (6 x .15)+ 15=2

– Step 5: Beginning Point Buy

After having calculated our average score, we can go ahead and distribute these points into our stats as we see fit! In the example given the amount of points that would be spent is as follows: (10+10+10+10+5 + 5) x 4 = 320 total points Distributing this would give us the following ability scores:                

  • Str: 16                                 
  • Dex: 16                                 
  • Con: 14                                
  • Int: 15                               
  • Wis: 13                                
  • Cha: 15

As you can see from the example, these stats are quite high and as such would make a powerful character. In order to maintain balance however we will want to restrict one stat to a minimum of 9 as per point buy rules. To do this simply take your average score and subtract ten. So if I had an average score of 81, my stat would be as follows:

  • (10+10+10+10+5 + 5) x 4 = 320 total points         
  • Avg. 88                       
  • Minimum Score 9

– Step 6: Final Point Buy

After adding the restriction to your stats you are now free to round out the rest of your stats however you wish! To do this simply takes your remaining points (320) divide them by 2 e.g. 160 then distribute these into any two skill scores of your choice. Keep in mind that if they are too high it will affect game balance so use common sense. A few notable examples are as follows:                

  • Strength : 17(16 base + 1 at creation, roll for second)                             
  • Dexterity : 16                                 
  • Constitution : 14                               
  • Intelligence : 15                                 
  • Wisdom : 13                                 
  • Charisma : 15

Your point buy has been determined! Stat rolls are incredibly rare. The only time you will really have to use them is when the DM requires it or when making a character with less than ten points in one stat egg if your class requirements demand an 8 Wisdom but you have only two points in wisdom then you would need to roll a seven on a d20 in order to meet the requirement of the class therefore meeting the minimum stat requirement. 

Another example would be if you had decided to play a sorcerer who needs a charisma score of 15 however you have only five points in charisma, the result of your roll will determine whether or not you can become a sorcerer. Finally perhaps you are rolling for stats during character creation and need to meet the minimum requirements of the class but fail with an odd number. In this case simply even it out so that your final value is an even number e.g. if I rolled a seventeen on my first roll then instead of having 16 strength, 17 would simply become 18 allowing me to pick another stat to increase by 1 instead of wasting that point into strength again. This is all there really is behind 5e Point Buy Calculator! Read also on situs togel online! Also check situs togel terpercaya! Thank you

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